Dimitri Ypsilanti

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Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)


Head of the Telecommunication and Information Policy Section
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)


Dimitri Ypsilanti is Head of the Telecommunication and Information Policy Section at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry. He is responsible for the work on communications policy and the Working Party on Telecommunication and Information Services Policy (Committee on Information, Computer and Communications Policy).


Mr. Ypsilanti’s work has included telecommunication economic and policy analysis in a range of areas including trade in telecommunication services, international telecommunication tariffication and accounting rates issues, analysis of regulatory reform, comparative analysis of telecommunication performance among the OECD Member countries and work on regulatory requirements for information infrastructures, convergence and the infrastructure requirements for electronic commerce.

Mr. Ypsilanti has managed the Directorates input into the OECD’s programme on regulatory reform. He was a member of the Advisory Board to the Greek government on their telecommunication law and has advised the Greek telecommunications regulator (EETT).

He has also been involved in the OECD’s work on technical assistance in the field of telecommunication policy to the Central and Eastern European Economies and the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union. He has also worked on industrial policy issues, including structural adjustment and issues regarding high technology industries.

Mr. Ypsilanti was also Secretary to the OECD’s Task Force on Spam. Mr. Ypsilanti is a member of the editorial board of Telecommunications Policy and Info. Mr. Ypsilanti has studied economics at Bristol University (UK), and at Memorial University and Queens University in Canada.

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