
Giovanni Santella

Giovanni Santella


Senior Engineer 
Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM)


Giovanni Santella was born in Rome, Italy, on June 24, 1961. He received the Electronic Engineering degree from the University of Rome in 1990. 


From 1990 to 2000 he has been working as a researcher in the radio communications area at the Fondazione Ugo Bordoni (FUB), in Rome. His research interests covered the characterization and modeling of radio wave propagation, wideband wireless communication systems, such as OFDM, WCDMA and LMDS. 

He was also involved in EC projects such as RACE-II/dTTb, ACTS-QUOVADIS and ACTS-CABSINET. From December 2000 he has been working at the “Autorità per le Garanzie nelle comunicazioni (AGCOM)“, the Italian regulator for the telecommunications and the audiovisual sector. Its main activity is related to the technical aspects of AGCOM regulatory and monitoring activity in the field of cellular mobile systems (GSM-UMTS), wireless point-to-multipoint systems (WLL), xDSL systems, local loop unbundling, digital broadcasting (DAB, DVB-T), frequency planning for digital terrestrial television (DTT), coverage monitoring of DTT networks.


He is currently coordinating a technical group for a periodic revision of the spectrum management rules for the copper access network and xDSL systems. He is also in charge for the definition of the regulatory framework for VoIP services.

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