
Frédéric Pujol

Frédéric Pujol


Main Analyst


Frédéric Pujol joined Idate in November 1992. As head of the mobile services division, he is responsible for consultancy assignments and prospective studies in this sector.
In recent months, he has produced a series of studies on the impact of technological innovation and the new rules of competition in this rapidly expanding sector.

Prior to joining IDATE, he acquired in-depth experience in mobile network architecture while with the France Telecom Group (Sofrecom, Télésystèmes).

Frédéric Pujol graduated as engineer from ISEN (Institut Supérieur d’Electronique du Nord, Telecommunications option, Lille, 1986) and CITCOM (Technologies communication engineering centre, Network architecture option, Paris, 1987).

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