Tomas Lamanauskas

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Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority


Deputy Director
Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT) 


Tomas Lamanauskas is a deputy director of the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT). In November, 2005 the President of the Republic appointed him to the Council of the RRT

Tomas Lamanauskas was awarded the Master of Laws degree by the University of Vilnius (Lithuania). Since 2002 he continues his studies as a PhD student at the same University.

Between 1999 and 2001 Tomas Lamanauskas worked as a legal adviser for UAB “Lietuvos telekomo verslo sprendimai” (Lithuanian Telecom’s Business Solutions). In 2001 he joined the newly created Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority as the head of the Legal Section. Since 2004 Mr. Lamanauskas is a deputy director of the RRT.

Tomas Lamanauskas represented Lithuania in various international events, including the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS-2005, Tunis), the World Telecommunications Development Conference (WTDC-2006, Doha) and the Internet Governance Forum (IGF-2006, Athens).

Since 2002 Tomas Lamanauskas lectures courses related to information technology and telecommunications law in various subsidiaries of Vilnius University. Since September 2006 he is an assistant professor at the Department of International and European Union Law, the Law Faculty, Vilnius University.

Tomas Lamanauskas made 52 presentations in various conferences as well as published 16 articles in the field of ICT. He is also the co-author of the books “Information technology law“, “Electronic communications law“, and “Information Society Law

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