Paolo Gregotti

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Managing Partner



Dal 2013 è Managing Partner di FreeAgent, dopo aver collaborato a progetti di branding come consulente indipendente.


Nel 2008 è stato nominato Country Manager di CB’a (gruppo WPP) con la responsabilità della filiale italiana del gruppo.


Nei precedenti 3 anni ha lavorato come Brand Consultant in FutureBrand, dove era anche membro dell’executive commitee, gestendo i principali progetti corporate e retail. Come Client Manager ha seguito progetti di branding e corporate identity in Landor Associates Milano.


E’ stato responsabile comunicazione per il portale web e di Assinform, l’associazione italiana delle imprese del settore ICT di Confindustria.




Since 2013 is Managing Partner at FreeAgent – Brand Identity Hub after a period as independent consultant dealing with branding projects.


In late 2008 he was appointed Country Manager at CB’a (WPP Group) and the aim was to create the Italian agency team and to develop the country business.


During the previous 3 years he worked as Brand Consultant at FutureBrand, managing the main corporate and retail projects. He was also member of the FutureBrand executive commitee.

As Client Manager at Landor Associates Paolo managed consumer branding and corporate identity projects.


He worked as head of communication at website and at Assinform, the Italian ICT Companies Association (Confindustria).

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