Coleman Bazelon

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Analysis Group


Vice President 
Analysis Group


Coleman Bazelon is a Washington, DC native. He received his BA from Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT and Diploma in Economics from the London School of Economics. 


After a break from school as a Research Assistant at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System he enrolled in the Agricultural and Resource Economics Department at the University of California at Berkeley where he was awarded a Doctorate in 1995. Although his doctoral work was on the political economy of California water policy reform, the Congressional Budget Office put Dr. Bazelon to work analyzing radio spectrum auctions. Since then he has focused primarily on telecommunications issues. 


In 2001, Dr. Bazelon joined the Analysis Group, an economic consulting firm, to lead its telecommunications practice. His past consulting engagements include litigation, regulatory and arbitration experience in the wireless, wire line and video sectors. 


More recently, he was a bid advisor for SpectrumCo, a cable television consortium that participated in the recent Advanced Wireless Services Auction in the U.S. Dr. Bazelon writes and speaks regularly on telecommunications issues.

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