Regions4Cloud – The opportunity of Cloud Computing, video reportage on the event

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Special video on “European Regions for Growth – The opportunity of CloudComputing”, an event held in Brussels and commissioned by Microsoft to facilitate an exchange of best practices on digital innovation and Cloud Computing in the regions of Spain, Italy and Portugal, in order to discuss on growth for PA and SMEs.
The round table was coordinated by Mercedes Bresso, President of Committee of Regions (COR EU) and John Vassallo, Microsoft VP & AGC. Have been present also: Rodaro Vittorino, Director of the Representation of the Autonomous Province of Trento at the Union European and, Gianni Pittella, Vice Presidentof the European Parliament (through a video message). Have contributed to the debate Joan Prat I Call, Catalonia Region, Vladimir Feliz, Deputy Mayor of Porto, Ernesto Somma, Director of PORE (Project Opportunities for Regions in Europe) and Department of Regional Affairs (PCM), Jose Pascual Marco Martinez, Deputy Permanent Representative of Spain to the European Union and Canga-Fano, VP Head of Cabinet of European Commission, Antonio Tajani.

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