In memoria di Carlo Mario Guerci

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Carlo Mario Guerci

Ieri 7 settembre 2008 è venuto a mancare il prof. Carlo Mario Guerci. 

Chi era Carlo Mario Guerci
Di seguito le testimonianze del gruppo di ThinkTel 
Dear Colleagues, 
I sadly inform you that our common friend Carlo Mario just passed away earlier today, after a pretty long and unfortunately painful illness. 
In such circumstances thoughts and words are too few or too many either way. Nevertheless I wish to express my deepest THANKS to HIM for having conceived and led ThinkTel, thus letting us know and work together. I think my thought is shared among all of us. 
I am gonna state our condolences to his family on behalf of ThinkTel Association. 
Marco Salvadori
Dear Marco, 
thanks for your mail, that filled my hearth of sadness. It is still vivid in my mind Mario’s extraordinary brightness, showed once again few months ago, during the DigItaly conference held at Bocconi. 
I definitely share your sentiment. We all have to acknowledge Mario for giving us the opportunity to live the Thinktel experience and I hope we will find the adequate and visible way to express him our gratitude. 
Bruno Busacca
Dear Marco, 
This is awful news. Mario was a natural entrepreneur and innovator, with a very clear world view and a great ability to get things done. I only knew him in the later years of his life , but I’m sure not only Thinktel but many institiutionns will mourn his passing. 
I’m delighted that you, who were closest to him, will be able to express our condolences to his family, 
Martin Cave
Dear Marco and dear All, 
Mario has not only offered his great professional level in searching and defining new strategies in a wide spectrum of industrial sectors. He was able to listen to anyone by giving value to ideas and sensitivities. It is also in this rare attitude, often accompanied by a peculiar sense of homor that I like to preserve the Mario’s image in my memory. 
Giovanni Colombo
Marco and ThinkTel friends, 
This is a very sad and unexpected news! Mario stays alive in my memory as a personal friend, and as a giant of our profession: he has given smart contributions to the Italian industry. 
Thanks to Marco for expressing our condolences to Mario’s family. 

Maurizio Dècina
Dear Marco and dear Friends. 
I read just now this very sad news. I met Mario many many years ago and I was fascinated by his tremendous insights in many fields. This is a serious loss not only for his family and friends but for the all scientific and economic community. 
Adriano De Maio
Dear All,
So sad to know.
Mario was an incredibile professional and a true teacher: for his great brightness and his extraodinary sense of humor. 
Working with him has been for me a great privilege and a big opportunity and his memory will always stay with me, in so many ways.
Franca Ferrario

It is with great regret that I hear about the death of Mario. 
Since I met him for the first time four years ago, I had the chance to appreciate his brilliant, vital and bright intelligence, deep knowledge and culture, one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met. 
I’ll always be grateful for the many things I learned from him. 
Francesco Foscari

this is very sad news. 
Carlo Mario represented a key figure in the debate on industrial policy and organisation in Italy and beyond. His closeness to the real world of business decisions provided very valuable insights to all participants. 
We will miss him very much. 
Last, but not least, working with him at Thinktel was a rewarding experience also because of his special human touch. 
Harald Gruber
Dear Marco, dear all, 
I too mourn the loss of the brilliant teacher and scientist, whithout whom ThinkTel would probably never have been conceived. 
But Mario was for me, above all, a master and a friend. A person of extraordinary sympathy, wittiness and communicative. 
Since I first met him at the “Mondo Economico” weekly magazine – my first job as an economic reporter – he accepted to be my mentor, always availabale for a brilliant piece of advice. And so he was for more than 30 years. 
I will keep with me these memories forever with gratitude. 
Many thanks to Marco for his thoughtful initiative. 
Fabio Magrino
Dear Marco and Dear ThinkTel Firends, 
What a sad news! Let me share with you my profound respect and admiration for what Mario did in all his professional life. He had a real impact on people, organizations and liberal thinking in our society. He deserves our highest regards. 
Nando Pennarola
Dear Friends, 
this is very sad news: I knew Mario was unwell, but I was not expecting such a sad outcome. 
Thanks to Marco for expressing our condolences to Mario’s family.
Luigi Prosperetti
Professor Guerci has been one of the few creative thinker, who had the unique capability to influence and tackle relevant intellectual matters by fine insights, great leadership and unmatched sense of humor. 
In Italy where important debates are often short term and self referencing, he was able to stretch the “big picture” and to look many miles ahead. Thinktel, one of his most “wanted” initiatives, has grouped some brilliant experts and academics They have joined their brains and efforts under Mario’s guidance, to develop and deliver researches, workshops, communication events that are and will be remarkably insightful for the Telecommunications and Medias industries, in Italy and across Europe. His straight and even sharp personality will be remembered by many, among his colleagues and alunni.
Dennis Redmont

Dear All, 
This news leaves me astonished … I have a clear memory of Mario when he pursued Thinktel as the most important communication initiative around fast changing world of ICT, conceived as Italian but aiming to catch the international spotlight. 
I had the honor to serve him and the association along that challenging task, providing my communication experience. And, indeed, I should say, I often wondered of Mario’s native attitude to streamline complex ideas for large business audience. I do share my condolences. 
Alberto Scandolara
Dear Marco, dear all, 
this is so sad to know. 
It is with the eyes of the youngest that have had the privilege to work with Mario that I will try to remember him: brilliant and open minded thinker, he was a passionate professional, a rare teacher and an inspiring leader, deserving of a special place in the remembrance of us all. 
I’m personally gonna miss him a lot.
Jean Francois Segalotto
Dear colleagues and Marco,
I am very sad to know this bad news. I had many deep and interesting talks with Mario and I will remember his passionate enthusiasm.
Valerio Zingarelli

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