EUBrasil at NETmundial, governance and the future of the internet

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Luigi Gambardella

NETmundial is a global multistakeholder meeting on the future of internet governance. The main focus of the meeting will be the elaboration of principles of Internet governance and the proposal for a roadmap for future development of this ecosystem. It will harbour contributions from different sectors, with 31% of proposals coming from representatives of the civil society, 23% coming from the private sector, 15% from governments, 11% from academia and 8% from the technical community.


Luigi Gambardella, president of EUBrasil, will be at NETMundial as chairman of ETNO, an association representing 38 telecom operators in 35 countries which collectively account for a turnover of more than 600 billion and employ over 1.6 million people.


This is just the first step and telecoms operator from Europe and Brazil are ready to play their part. NETMundial is an important opportunity to make Internet governance something truly more global and participative, a process that will include opinions from all interested parties. Being a part of this consultation process within this community is very stimulating“, said Gambardella. The president of EUBrasil believes that a stronger European and Brazilian participation in Internet governance is an important aspect, particularly in light of the strong traditions of democracy and freedom of speech brought by these two world players.


Meanwhile, the IT Policy Secretary of the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), Virgilio Almeida, highlights the importance of the country’s hosting of NETmundial: “Brazil has been one of the nations spearheading the movement for greater transparency and multistakeholding, but this is an ambition common to the international community“.


The European angle

In a document sent to the organisers of NETmundial, ETNO highlights its defense of an economically sustainable Internet, interconnected, secure and robust, in which the principles of human and basic rights like privacy and security are respected and adhered to. Also, ETNO believes that no new barriers to the Internet as a global platform for social and economical development should be erected.


NETmundial has so far received 188 contributions from 46 countries.

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