IEM – Fondazione Rosselli: presentazione studio ‘Public investment in culture and communications’ al Parlamento Europeo

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The Institute for Media Economics (IEM) of Fondazione Rosselli will be presenting, at the European Parliament in Brussels, 22nd November at 06:30 pm, room ASP 3G3, the study “Public investment in culture and communications“.
The Institute’s mission is to promote efficient and sustainable policy measures in the fields of media, communication, culture and creativity.
 In particular, the Institute regularly produces a Report on the Communications Industry in Italy, which examines the weight of single ICT markets (from TV to press and tlc), analysing resources penetration and users, as well as the most significant trends in sectors and across the board, paying special attention to the theme of innovation and Italian competitiveness. Each year the Report also contains an in depth analysis of a topic based on original data: this edition focuses on “Public investment in culture and communications”.
 The study surveys public investments in cinema, live entertainment, publishing, radio, TV and broadband infrastructures. In 2009 the amount was 2,972 billion euros with an average annual growth of only 0.4%. In 2011 it is expected to be less due to cuts in public spending at national level.
The theme of the public expenditure on culture and communication is one of the main priorities of the European Digital Agenda and one of the key drivers of the strategies to re-launch the European economy.
The presentation of the report in Brussels fits into this context and intends to become an annual appointment on the issue of investments in culture to share information, methodologies, policy indices with other European Institutions and to identify the most effective strategies for promoting European cultural production.

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