Rivoluzione social media: se ne parla a Bruxelles al workshop Butterfly Europe

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12.01.2011, Eurocities, Square du Meeûs 1,
Bruxelles 15.30-19.30 (followed by a cocktail)

15:30: Introduction to Butterfly Europe’s concept. Who? Why? What?
[I] 15:40: Roundtable on the social networks: tweeting, sharing and posting, what’s behind
and further? Everywhere social networks are becoming key tools for political communication. Not only they contribute to an open and free dissemination of information, but they also help reinvigorate public opinion. As a matter of fact, social networks give a chance to citizens to proactively engage with politicians through twitting, tagging and posting. How are these trends shaping the future of European politics and transforming electoral campaigns? Can they be considered as a new mean to stimulate a bottom-up organisation of politics? To what extent social networks will be the drivers of youngsters’ participation in the EU politics? The workshop will kick off with some interesting data about MEPs’ attitude to social networks.

Moderator: Alessandro TORELLO, Journalist at Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones

Expert study: Steffen THEJLL-MOLLER, Digital Strategist, Fleishman Hillard
Stephen CLARK, Head of Web Communications Unit, DG Information, Media Directorate, European Parliament
Marietje SCHAAKE, MEP ALDE-NL (D66) – Chairwoman of the Free Software and Open Information Society EP Intergroup

Caroline DE COCK, Managing Director, N-square Consulting
Angela STEEN, Policy Analyst – Google
Alberto ZILIO, Public Affairs Manager, Digital Europe

[II] 16:50: Roundtable on the social media: new journalism in the time of Web 2.0?
In the Web 2.0. era, social media are flourishing. Thanks and through social networks, social media are fighting their battle for a new-style journalism: shared and interactive. But are we convinced that social media will help shaping the future of a EU public opinion? Can new participative media revolutionise European politics? And what about online opinion makers: will they become European or national leaders? How will collaborative social media provide opinion leaders with social innovative platforms? How can the Internet develop the potential for a bottom-up politics?

Moderator: Francesco GUARASCIO, EU affairs reporter Reuters/Euractiv

Marie-Christine VERGIAT, MEP GUE-FR, member of the New Media EP Intergroup
Antonia MOCHAN, Head of Media, European Commission Representation in UK
European project: Yiannis KOMPATSIARIS, Coordinator EU project CERTH-ITI “Social context of Social Networks”, Head – Multimedia Knowledge Group, Thessaloniki
Alexander ALVARO, MEP ALDE-DE, European Internet Foundation, Board Member

Corrado ALFANO, Europe Desk of WEST Journal, Welfare Society Territory
Antoine BARGAS, Deputy Editor-in-chief, Les Euros du Village
Fabio CHIUSI, journalist Lettera43.it, author of the book “I hate you on Facebook”
Jon WORTH, political blogger, Jon Worth’s Euroblog
18:00: 15-minute break
18:15: Neelie KROES, Vice President of the European Commission for Digital Agenda Video-message (tbc)
18:30: Open Debate on the EU public opinion

[III]Are social media and networks the new tools of a nascent European Public Opinion?
So far, the European Public Opinion has been a mirage of Euro-enthusiasts. Nowadays, the Internet and the social networks represent a great opportunity for European citizens, especially digital natives, to build borderless networks: social media dramatically increase the ability of being interactive within the context of a global information system. Traditional niches of politics, business and media are put under pressure. European digitalization is already fostering a better informed and more democratic society. From telecommunication to communication, this revolution has major consequences both on Institutions and companies. Therefore, will the national prism of the traditional media be overcome by new media? To what extent are social media and networks the new tools of a rising European Public Opinion? Where do they diverge and where do they complement traditional media?

Reports from the workshops : debates and first conclusions (LSDP & Gli Euros)
“Tweets from the Net”: Laura DAGG, project coordinator “Tweet your MEP”, Touteleurope.eu

Moderator: Meabh MCMAHON, EUobserver.com, Brussels correspondent for France 24
Gianni PITTELLA, 1st Vice President of the European Parliament, S&D-IT
Luigi GAMBARDELLA, Chairman Executive Board ETNO
Ryan HEATH, speechwriter & social media manager for VP of the European Commission Neelie KROES
Stanislas MAGNIANT – European Head of Digital, MSL Group – Publicis Consultant
19:30 : Conclusion and proposals (Lo Spazio della Politica)
19:45: Networking drink

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