April 19th 2012: More than 100 key stakeholders at the ETNO-ITU workshop on ITRs/Preparation for WCI

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What should be the scope of the revised International Telecommunications Rules? How can we ensure that the rules reflect changing technologies while allowing the Internet to continue growing? ‪These issues will be debated at the forthcoming ETNO-ITU workshop in Brussels on April 19th entitled ‘Revising the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs) – Preparations for WCIT 2012′. The workshop is to be hosted at Belgacom’s Headquarters and will be opened by Didier Bellens, Belgacom CEO, and Luigi Gambardella, ETNO Board Chairman.


High level speakers from EU and international institutions and companies will participate in the workshop, including Robert Madelin (European Commission DG INFSO Director-General), William Kennard (US Ambassador to the EU) and Malcolm Johnson (ITU-T Director).


For more information on the programme and registration, please click here.


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