Regions4Cloud: european regions for growth – The opportunity of cloud computing

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The “best of” from the event in Brussels, with all contributions, interviews and video reports


Cloud Computing is a strategic tool to boost the local economy, along with investments in innovation and expenditure control.

These are some of the key conclusions of Regions4Cloud, event held in Brussels, during which Regions and Local Governments have had the change to share their best practices on Cloud Computing adoption and discuss them with all the European Institutions represented: Commission, Council, Parliament, Committee of the Regions.

Fifty decision makers from three Southern Europe countries, four languages, ten speakers, a two hours round table.

The event marked a new and significant stage of a Microsoft project that involves most of the Regions from Italy, Spain and Portugal, countries that will benefit more than others from Cloud implementation.


The video table speeches of Regions4Cloud:

The round table conclusions (video table speech):

Video interviews:


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