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Roma, 2-4 novembre 2005 The Italian Ministry of Communications and Fondazione Ugo Bordoni in cooperation with the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) and with the participation of the Ministries of Technological Innovations and Interior, the Italian Agency for Civil Protection and the Prime Minister Office organize the conference Network and Information Security: Political and Technical Challenges, to be held in Rome from November 2nd-4th 2005.

During recent years all the public and private stakeholders experienced that the actual level of communication network security strongly impacts on the development of modern Information Societies. This impact is perceived both at political and technological levels. Many innovative political and business-related initiatives (eg, e-commerce, t-commerce) are not fully exploited because, amongst other factor, of the perceived poor security granted by the actual communication networks. Even the emerging broadcasting technology of Digital Tv exploits the attraction of interactive services and, hence, needs network security in the information exchange process.

The implementation of a high level of communication network security is even more important when the focus is to ensure an adequate level of quality of service for the security functionalities of infrastructures that are critical for everyday life in a modern country (e.g., business related services and critical infrastructures operativity).

Sometimes, the approach followed to gain more network security is to unnecessarily implement very strong (and expensive) countermeasures, wasting resources. Sometimes, we prefer “hiding” problems, hoping for “good luck”. Both approaches are inappropriate in the medium-long term, having as their main effects the discouragement of investments and the lowering of end user confidence, respectively.

This workshop aims at giving the opportunity to Government experts and top level technologists to share good and bad experiences, being sure that in the network security world the main way to reach your own security is to share proper information and to enhance effective cooperation within all the players. The main goal of the workshop is to help in increasing the awareness and information sharing on network security, trying both to highlight false network security myths (both positive and negative ones) and to effectively apply the “try and fail” and the “lesson learnt” approaches

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