Erkki Ormala

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Nokia Corporation


Vice President Technology Policy
Nokia Corporation


Dr. Ormala was born 1950. He has his Dr. Tech. degree in 1986 from the Helsinki University of Technology.

In 1987-1999 he was the secretary of the Science and Technology Policy Council of Finland. The Council is chaired by the Prime Minister with the task to give advice to the Government and administration in issues related to science, technology and innovation policies.


In 1999 he joined the Nokia Group as a Vice President, Technology Policy. At Nokia his responsibilities cover technology policy, knowledge management, university co-operation, future watch and issues relating to the information society.

He has published over fifty papers on evaluation and innovation policies. He has been a consultant to a number of industrial companies, international organizations and European governments.


In 1992-1993 he chaired the international expert group which carried out the evaluation of EUREKA.


Since 1994 he has been a member of the evaluation and monitoring panels of a number of the EU RT&D programmes. 1996-1999 he was the chairman of the OECD Working Group for Technology and Innovation Policy.

In 2004 he chaired the Five-Year-Assessment group of the EU Research Programmes covering 1999-2003.

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