Fabio Leite

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Deputy Director


Fabio Leite is Deputy-Director and Head, Informatics, Administration and Publications Department (IAP) of the Radiocommunication Bureau, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Since starting his career in ITU in 1987, Mr. Leite has held different positions as satellite communications engineer, Counsellor for mobile radio services and for fixed wireless systems, and Project Manager, International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT 2000). He also served as technical secretary in several World Radiocommunication Conferences.

Before joining the ITU, Mr. Leite worked for EMBRATEL, Brazil, responsible for the communications system engineering unit of the first Brazilian domestic satellite system, BRAZILSAT. Since 1980, he participated in many ITU Radiocommuncation conferences and meetings as member of Brazilian delegations, responsible for technical and regulatory issues. He was elected Vice-Chairman of ITU Radiocommunication Study Group 4 (fixed-satellite service) in 1986.

Mr. Leite has Bachelor and Master of Applied Science degrees in Electrical Engineering with specialization in telecommunications

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