Lorenzo Pupillo

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Telecom Italia


Dirigente in Public Affairs
Telecom Italia

È Dirigente in Public Affairs di Telecom Italia e si occupa di Reti di Nuova Generazione, Net Neutrality, Internet Policy, e Green ICT and Energy.

In precedenza, ha ricoperto diversi ruoli e responsabilità nell’ambito delle Direzioni Strategie, Business Development, Learning Services, Public and Economic Affairs di Telecom Italia. E’ stato anche Advisor del Global Information and Communication Technologies Department della Banca Mondiale in Washington. Prima di lavorare per Telecom Italia è stato Member of Technical Staff ai laboratori Bell dell’AT&T in New Jersey (USA) economista presso l’ISAE e consulente per aziende pubbliche e private e organizzazioni internazionali.

E’ Affiliated Researcher al Columbia Institute for Tele Information della Columbia University. Ha pubblicato 3 libri e 25 papers in econometria applicata, economia industriale e telecommunications policy. Svolge l’attività di referee per numerose riviste economiche internazionali.. E’ inoltre membro di vari advisory board di organizzazioni professionali ed istituti di ricerca internazionali.

Ha conseguito il titolo di Ph.D. all’University of Pennsylvania di Filadelfia con una tesi in Economia delle Telecomunicazioni, ha frequentato il Corso di Specializzazione in Economia e Gestione Aziendale all’ISTAO di Ancona ed ha conseguito la laurea in Matematica presso l’Università la Sapienza di Roma.

Dr. Lorenzo Pupillo is an Executive Director in the Public Affairs Unit of Telecom Italia and Affiliated Researcher at Columbia Institute for Tele-Information. In Telecom Italia, he is working on Next Generation Networks, Net Neutrality, ICT Policy, ICT & Energy, and is providing Policy Advising to senior management.


Currently, he is also coordinator of the policy cluster of the E_Cube project, an Energy Smart metering system through Zig-bee technology. Previously, he was Director in the following units of Telecom Italia: Strategy, Business Development, Learning Services, Public & Economic Affairs.


He is an economist by training and has worked in many areas of telecommunications demand and regulatory analysis, publishing 3 books and 25 papers in applied econometrics and industrial organization. He has also been Advisor to the Global Information and Communication Technologies Department of the World Bank in Washington.


Before joining Telecom Italia , he was member of technical staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey and he worked as an economist at ISAE in Rome and as consultant to the private and public sector. Dr. Pupillo also serves on numerous committees for international organizations and on scientific and advisory boards around the globe.


He earned a Ph.D. and an M.A. from University of Pennsylvania, an MBA from Istituto Adriano Olivetti in Ancona Italy and a MS in Mathematics from University of Rome.

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