Alcatel-Lucent premiata come ‘Best of Interop’ nella categoria data center e storage in occasione dell’Interop a Las Vegas

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La soluzione di switching blueprint per data center di Alcatel-Lucent ha ricevuto il premio come “Best of Interop” nella categoria data center e storage, presentato da InformationWeek Analytics in occasione dell’Interop a Las Vegas. Annunciata solo il mese scorso, la nuova soluzione fornisce una soluzione completa di switching per data center che estende i confini del data center aziendale attraverso la virtualizzazione della rete con un’innovativa architettura a “mesh” e “pod”.

Best of Interop” premia alcune fra le più innovative tecnologie tra otto categorie principali. Più di 100 aziende hanno sottoposto all’attenzione della giuria il loro prodotti, e i giudici hanno selezionato quelli dal maggiore potenziale in grado di migliorare il business attraverso una maggiore efficienza tecnologica. Il panel di giudici scelto per selezionare i finalisti del “Best of Interop” era costituito da 16 giornalisti di alto profilo e analisti dell’InformationWeek Analytics.

Grazie a questa soluzione, che coniuga efficienza e risparmio energetico, le aziende possono gestire le applicazioni come se fossero servizi attraverso un’ampia varietà di data center, compresi i data center multi-site, dipartimenti dedicati o gruppi di lavoro dei data center virtuali e ambienti ibridi in grado di integrare le offerte dei service provider.

Basandosi sull’approccio Application Fluent Network e sul leader di mercato OmniSwitch 10K Modular LAN, Alcatel-Lucent include nel suo modello di switching il virtual network profile (vNP), che ingloba l’applicazione per l’assegnazione delle priorità, lo switch provisioning, la qualità del servizio (QoS) e i requisiti di sicurezza. Il nuovo Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch 6900 Stackable LAN è uno switch ad alta densità da 10GigE che può essere posizionato come top-of-rack o end-of-row in un data center. Può, inoltre, essere utilizato come switch principale in una piccola rete o come tradizionale aggregatore di switch in uno chassis 1RU.

Alcatel-Lucent today announced its breakthrough data center switching blueprint solution won the Best of Interop award in the data center and storage category presented by InformationWeek Analytics at Interop Las Vegas, happening through May 12 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center. Annouced just last month, the new solution provides a complete data center switching fabric that extends the boundaries of the enterprise data center through virtualization of the network with a unique “mesh” and “pod” architecture design. Alcatel-Lucent is currently demonstrating the data center switching blueprint solution at its booth #1851.

Alcatel-Lucent’s blueprint solution provides a fresh approach to data center switching. According to Kurt Marko, Information Week Analytics, Alcatel-Lucent had the most compelling design and supporting products for building extremely scalable, high-performance, cloud-like data center networks suitable for today’s virtualized applications.

With this energy-efficient solution, enterprises can manage applications as a service across a range of data center deployment models, including multi-site data centers, dedicated departmental or workgroup virtual data centers, and hybrid environments that can integrate service provider offerings. With its application services-enabling approach, Alcatel-Lucent opens the door for enterprises to leverage cloud service offerings from service providers to further extend the business value of the solution.

The ever-expanding IT environment found in today’s increasingly virtualized data centers are truly in need of forward-thinking concepts like Alcatel-Lucent’s new Data Center Switching Solution. Companies planning to adopt 10Gb Ethernet and converged networking should take this as an opportunity to examine new and alternative networking strategies that can provide the same improved performance and flexibility that they’ve grown to expect from their other virtualization initiatives,” said Steven Hill, Lead Judge, Best of Interop 2011.

Building on its Application Fluent Network vision and market-leading OmniSwitch 10K Modular LAN Chassis, Alcatel-Lucent’s data center switching solution also features the new Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch 6900 Stackable LAN Switch, a high-density, 10GigE switch that can be positioned as a top-of-rack or end-of-row switch in a data center, and the virtual network profile (vNP), which captures application prioritization, switch provisioning, quality of service (QoS), and security requirements.

We are thrilled to recieve a Best of Interop award for our breakthrough data center switching solution,” said Michel Emelianoff, Vice President and General Manager, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Networks. “This award validates a new approach in networking. The battle is no longer about raw bandwidth, but about the relevance of an architecture that allows an enterprise to optimize latency for server-to-server (East-West) traffic in a highly scaleable way, and span multiple sites.”

The ever-expanding IT environment found in today’s increasingly virtualized data centers are truly in need of forward-thinking concepts like Alcatel-Lucent’s new Data Center Switching Solution. Companies planning to adopt 10Gb Ethernet and converged networking should take this as an opportunity to examine new and alternative networking strategies that can provide the same improved performance and flexibility that they’ve grown to expect from their other virtualization initiatives,” said Steven Hill, Lead Judge, Best of Interop 2011.

Best of Interop recognizes some of the world’s most innovative technologies across eight major categories. More than 100 companies’ submitted products for consideration and judges selected finalists based on the products they believe have the greatest potential to impact and advance business technology efficiencies. The panel of judges chosen to select the Best of Interop finalists was made up of 16 award-winning editors and analysts from InformationWeek Analytics. The two other finalists in the Data Center & Storage category included Juniper Networks and Mellanox Technologies. More information on Best of Interop can be found at

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